Sunday, May 17, 2020

Reflection Paper On Self Awareness - 2252 Words

Learning about myself is always something I appreciate and enjoy; because, these objective evaluations help me understand myself in a way that inspires growth; the questions and structure of the assessment resonated with my true feelings, inciting reflection, and making me more transparent. Dissecting my personality type has improved the understand of myself and others, allowing me to appreciate my strengths more, and improve my weaknesses. Self-awareness is a powerful mechanism for evaluating individual, group, and organizational dynamics in and way that is enriching and positive. Becoming a better, more Christ-like version of myself is my passion; this will translate into individual development and understanding when relating to†¦show more content†¦Values an Attitude Insights Being my best at being me, is a liberating attitude, and has galvanized my determination to focus on the values, attitudes, and insights that are most significant; subsequently, this focus constrains me to cut improvident expenditures from every area of my life and thinking, deciding, as the McGraw-Hill (2016) assessment asks, â€Å"What are my core values?† (p. 2). Receiving and evaluation of high, on a scale of 8-10, in both achievement (10) and self-direction (9), the assessment deepened my resolve that my ultimate core value is to cultivate a more Christ-like attitude to guide my life, superior to all other desires. Genuine success in this regard dictates that I have full reliance on His intrinsic and extrinsic strength and control. Accordingly, love is my highest value; and, I accept there will always be room for improvement; this is the essence of my trust and risk taking, knowing I will fall short, but striving to excel none-the-less. Motivation Insights Discovering what motivates my communications has been an extraordinary and interesting process. Candidly answering the questions of the evaluation had fundamental, intrinsic impact when considering why I sometimes engage as I do, and, revealed an element of subconscious fear which motivated certain extrinsic behaviors. Angelo Kinicki and MelShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Self Awareness1337 Words   |  6 PagesThe IAT self-awareness reflection paper will discuss personal reactions to the results of the exercise. It will also reflect on personal development towards being culturally competent counselor and the areas of growth. In addition, the paper will identify certain techniques to improvise counseling with LGBTQI+ clients. 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